Saturday 20 August 2011

                                                                                                        ~roses white~

                                                                                                         ~my desire car~

                           ~my luvely pwen~


huuu.....hari ne start dah final exam untuk sem3 ne tapi sa xda pla paper hari ne,sok bru da kena struggle belajar 2k get the result yang more better dpd sem2 sebelum ne..CHAYO3!!!!.tpi...dui!!! masalahny sa btl2 mg2k skg n x larat g mo smbg stdy,lgpn lau stdy nant x msuk otk pla...nt lar petang2 bru continue back 2 stdy,c rehat dlu otak..hahahhaha....sok,paper sa kitchen organization,harap dapat buat yang terbaik lar....
npa lar bh timbul penyakit malas ne!huu!..

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Take a change and never let go risk everything anymore. cry in rain and speak up loud,say what u want and love who u yourself and not what people want to c never blame anyone if u get hurt because you took the risk and decided who was worth the while...


aaarrrrr...x sangka pla sa dapat jumpa dy blik selepas kmi dah lma x contect...anywy,sa hepi gak lar jmpa ngan dy,1stly memg sa nvos mo jmpa dy blik tp bla dh jmpa hilang gak 2 nvos...huhuhu
tp yang peliknya,dy dah btul2 b'ubah ow dari segi pn heran sbb perubahannya ketara betul... 
y???i also duno what happen to him...i really did not expect y she was kurang kasih syg pla bh.                                                                
duii....knpa la ko jadi sad and sympathy sa npk kdaanya...
harap kdaan ko x berterusan begitu...(^_^)

my life at ua wif my beluv pwen...

makan2 at tanjung lipat....kna belanja oleh kwn,...heheheh

adel wif me...hehehehe...
broku alex...adel, and lysa....


 i feel my life is empty since she.....i think its not suitable to write lets it be a secrets,...biarlah sa jak yang tau..hehheheh...yg penting adalah GOD IS ALWAYS BESIDE ME WHEN ME FACING THE ANY PROBLEM IN LIFE...

Sunday 1 May 2011

(BOSOU) sabah famous local food^^


ni pn sadaap..

sabah local food (TUHAU)

here its begin..

                                                            this is the tuhau plants

process begun..

on process

tuhau after processed n ready to served^^

punya sadaap..

Saturday 30 April 2011


Bak Kut Teh
Bak Kut Teh is a Chinese pork ribs soup cooked in herbs like five spices, star anise, cinnamon, clove, fennel seeds, dang gui, pepper and garlic.
It is eaten with rice and other accompaniments including fried dough and salted vegetables. It is also sometimes served with Chinese tea, as many believe that Chinese tea (particularly Tieguanyin) dissolves the copious amount of fat consumed in this pork-laden dish.

Char Kway Teow
Char Kway Teow is a savoury sweet noodle dish.
 It consists of yellow noodles and broad wide noodles cooked together with pork lard, sweet sauce, dark sauce, bean sprouts, eggs, Chinese sausages, fish cakes and optional cockles.

Chilli Crab
Crabs that are being cooked in thick tomato and chilli based gravy. The crab is covered with plentiful of gravy and the crab meat is best eaten with the gravy. A pleasant accompaniment is the fried ‘man-tou” (fried buns) which is best eaten with the thick gravy.Many seafood restaurants offer this delightful dish.
Hainanese Chicken Rice
This dish is originated by the people in China, Hainan Island and has since then been Singaporeans regular dish eaten usually for lunch or dinner. It is mainly cooked with garlic, scallion and ginger and the rice is cooked till fragrant.It is commonly found in hawker centres, coffee shops and restaurants.

Hokkien ‘Mee’ (Noodles)
Hokkien Mee dish is cooked with yellow noodles and white noodle cooked with prawn stock, bean sprouts, prawns, squids, eggs and spring onions.
It is eaten with lime squeezed on the noodle dish giving it a slight tangy taste to the noodles and best eaten with sambal chilli.

Fish Head Curry
Fish Head Curry is a dish where the head of a fish, particularly red snapper is semi-stewed in thick curry gravy and lady’s’ fingers, brinjals are added to the dish. It is best eaten with white rice.
 There are various versions to this dish, particularly the Indian, Chinese and Peranakan versions which may differ in terms of the curry gravy.
Fried Carrot Cake
Fried carrot cake is a favourite dish among many Singaporeans. It is flour mixed with radish and fried with dark sauce, turnip and sweet sauce and topped off with spring onions (‘black’ version), or fried without the sweet sauce (‘white’ version).

A tasty local infused salad consisting of fruits, fried dough fritters, turnips, bean sprouts, cucumbers topped off with prawn paste and crushed peanuts. The gravy has a unique flavour that will entice one’s appetite for more.Rojak can sometimes be found at hawker centres and coffee shops.

Roti Prata
Roti Prata originates from Southern India and is a type of Indian pancake made of flour. It comes with a variation of fillings including egg, cheese, banana, onions, meat or even topped off with a scoop of ice cream. It is served with hot curry gravy. Some people prefer to eat it with sugar.

Satay is a dish consisting of bite-sized pieces of meat grilled on skewers. They come in chicken, mutton, pork and beef. It is served with a flavourful spicy peanut sauce, slices of cucumbers and onions.


Steam Fish
Steam Fish




Another dishes from Sabah which has very unique flavour is "Bambangan". The iban people in Sarawak called it - " mawang".

Bambangan is a type of wild mango with brown skin and a somewhat pungent smell. This is not eaten fresh as a fruit but made into a pickle or cooked with fish for a distinctive flavour. Nevertheless, some iban people like to eat it as fruit.
bambang2Bambangan is one of the kadazan dusun people's choices for a sour tang to their food. sometimes, the mango is fried with onion and chilli and served as a side-dish or sambal. The Bambangan also can mixed with grated seeds to make the flavour more delicious!
You can get your Bambangan at "tamu" markets or street markets in Sabah.


Other Dishes-JAPAN

Tempura is seafood, vegetables, mushrooms and other pieces of food coated with tempura batter and deep fried. Tempura was introduced to Japan by the Portuguese in the 16th century, but has become one of Japan's most famous dishes internationally.
Okonomiyaki is a mix between pizza and pancake. Various ingredients such as seafood, vegetables and meat can be mixed with the dough and placed on the okonomiyaki as topping.
Monjayaki is a Kanto region specialty that is similar to Okonomiyaki, however, the dough used is much more liquid than the okonomiyaki dough.
Gyoza are dumplings with a filling usually made of minced vegetables and ground meat. Gyoza were introduced to Japan from China. In Japan gyoza are usually prepared by frying them.
Chawanmushi is savory steamed egg custard that usually contains pieces of chicken, shrimp, fish cake and a ginko nut mixed inside.
Tsukemono are Japanese pickles. There are many variety of pickles, and a small dish of tsukemono is usually served with Japanese meals.

Noodle Dishes-JAPAN

There are various traditional Japanese noodle dishes as well as some dishes which were introduced to Japan and subsequently Japanized. Many of them enjoy a very high popularity.

Soba noodles are native Japanese noodles made of buckwheat flour or a mixture of buckwheat and wheat flour. Soba are about as thick as spaghetti. They can be served cold or hot and with various toppings.
Udon noodles are native Japanese noodles made of wheat flour. Udon are thicker than soba and can also be served either hot or cold and with various toppings.
Ramen are Chinese style noodles prepared in a soup with various toppings. Ramen is one of the many popular dishes that were originally introduced from China but have become completely Japanized over time.
Like Udon noodles, somen are Japanese noodles made of wheat flour, but they are much thinner than Udon and Soba. Somen are usually eaten cold and are considered a summer speciality.
Yakisoba are fried or deep fried Chinese style noodles served withvegetables, meat and ginger.

Seafood Dishes-JAPAN

Sashimi more information
Sashimi is raw seafood. A large number of fish can be enjoyed raw if they are fresh and prepared correctly. Most types of sashimi are enjoyed with soya sauce and wasabi.
Yakizakana means grilled fish. Many varieties of fish are enjoyed in this way.

Popular Dishes-JAPAN

For over 2000 years, rice has been the most important food in Japanese cuisine. Despite changes in eating patterns over the last few decades and slowly decreasing rice consumption in recent years, rice remains one of the most important ingredients in Japan today, and can be found in numerous dishes.

Rice Bowl
A bowl of plain cooked rice is served with most Japanese meals. Forbreakfast, it is sometimes mixed with a raw egg and soya sauce (tamago kake gohan) or enjoyed with natto or other toppings.
Sushi more information
Sushi can be defined as a dish which contains sushi rice, cooked rice that is prepared with sushi vinegar. There are various kinds of sushi dishes.
Domburi more information
A bowl of cooked rice with some other food put on top of the rice. Some of the most popular toppings are tempura (tendon), egg and chicken (oyakodon), tonkatsu (katsudon) and beef (gyudon).
Onigiri are rice balls made of cooked rice and usually wrapped in nori seaweed. They are slightly salted and often contain some additional food in the center, for example an umeboshi (pickled Japanese plum), katsuobushi (dried bonito shavings), tuna or salmon. Rice balls are a popular and inexpensive snack available at convenience stores.
Kare Raisu
Kare Raisu (Curry Rice) is cooked rice with a curry sauce. It can be served with additional toppings such as tonkatsu. Curry is not a native Japanese spice, but has been used in Japan for over a century. Kare Raisu is a very popular dish, and many inexpensive Kare Raisu restaurants can be found especially in and around train stations.
Fried Rice
Fried rice or chahan has been originally introduced from China. A variety of additional ingredients such as peas, egg, negi (Japanese leek) and small pieces of carrot and pork are mixed into the rice when stir fried. It is a suitable dish for using left over rice.
Chazuke is a bowl of cooked rice with green tea and other ingredients, for example, salmon or tarako (cod roe) added to it. It is a suitable dish for using left over rice.
Kayu is rice gruel, watery, soft cooked rice that resembles oatmeal. It is a suitable dish for using left over rice and is often served to sick people because it can be digested easily.

how to making mayonnaise

Fruit juice

-Fruit juice is a natural product that contains few additives, or none. Citrus products such as orange juice and tangerine juice are very familiar breakfast beverages.Grapefruit juice, pineapple, apple, grape, lime, and lemon juice are also familiar products. Coconut water is a highly nutritious and refreshing juice.
-Many kinds of berries are crushed and their juices mixed with water and sometimes sweetened. Raspberry, blackberry and currants are often popular juices drinks but the percentage of water also determines their nutritive value. Juices were probably humankind's earliest drinks besides water. Grapes juice that was allowed to ferment produced the alcoholic drink wine.
-Fruits are highly perishable and so the ability to create juices and store them was of significant value. Some fruits are highly acidic and mixing them with additional water and sugars or honey was often necessary to make them palatable. Early storage of fruit juices was labor intensive, requiring the crushing of the fruits and the mixing of the resulting pure juices with sugars before bottling and capping them.
-Orange juice and coconut water remain by far the most highly consumed juices on the market and are there because of their valuable nutrients and hydration abilities.