Saturday 20 August 2011

                                                                                                        ~roses white~

                                                                                                         ~my desire car~

                           ~my luvely pwen~


huuu.....hari ne start dah final exam untuk sem3 ne tapi sa xda pla paper hari ne,sok bru da kena struggle belajar 2k get the result yang more better dpd sem2 sebelum ne..CHAYO3!!!!.tpi...dui!!! masalahny sa btl2 mg2k skg n x larat g mo smbg stdy,lgpn lau stdy nant x msuk otk pla...nt lar petang2 bru continue back 2 stdy,c rehat dlu otak..hahahhaha....sok,paper sa kitchen organization,harap dapat buat yang terbaik lar....
npa lar bh timbul penyakit malas ne!huu!..

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Take a change and never let go risk everything anymore. cry in rain and speak up loud,say what u want and love who u yourself and not what people want to c never blame anyone if u get hurt because you took the risk and decided who was worth the while...


aaarrrrr...x sangka pla sa dapat jumpa dy blik selepas kmi dah lma x contect...anywy,sa hepi gak lar jmpa ngan dy,1stly memg sa nvos mo jmpa dy blik tp bla dh jmpa hilang gak 2 nvos...huhuhu
tp yang peliknya,dy dah btul2 b'ubah ow dari segi pn heran sbb perubahannya ketara betul... 
y???i also duno what happen to him...i really did not expect y she was kurang kasih syg pla bh.                                                                
duii....knpa la ko jadi sad and sympathy sa npk kdaanya...
harap kdaan ko x berterusan begitu...(^_^)

my life at ua wif my beluv pwen...

makan2 at tanjung lipat....kna belanja oleh kwn,...heheheh

adel wif me...hehehehe...
broku alex...adel, and lysa....


 i feel my life is empty since she.....i think its not suitable to write lets it be a secrets,...biarlah sa jak yang tau..hehheheh...yg penting adalah GOD IS ALWAYS BESIDE ME WHEN ME FACING THE ANY PROBLEM IN LIFE...