Friday 3 August 2012

ASSIGNMENT 2_ Vocabulary Entry

1. Take a breath of fresh air
Breath in clean air
2. Set his heart on
To want to do something very much
3. Just in time
With enough time to be able to do something
4. Was at death’s door
Be near death
5.  Saved the day
Produced excellent result when things are going badly
6. Could not believed their eyes
To be very surprised at something you see
7. Feel like a million dollars
Be very healthy and happy
8.   Were dumb founded
Be unable to speak because of shock or surprise
9. Turned the tables
Changed a situation completely so the unexpected happened
10.  Feel head over heels
Fell deeply in love

simile is when compare two nouns (person, places or things) that are unlike, with "like" or "as".
1. to drink like a fish - to drink a lot
2. to fight like cats and dogs - to fight fiercely
3. to sleep like a dog - to sleep well and soundly
4. as blind as bat - completely blind
5. as cold as ice - very cold
6. as light as feather - very light
7. as white as snow - pure white
8. like a rose - beautiful
9. like a animal - inhuman
10. like a dream - wonderful, incredible

phrasal verb are usually two-word phrases consisting of verb + adverb or verb + preposition

1. ask around - ask many people the same question

  • i asked around but nobody has seen my wallet
2. break down - get upset
  • the women broke down when the police told her that her son had died
3. break out - Escape
  • the prisoners broke out of jail when the guards weren't looking
4. Calm dawn - Relax after being angry
  • you are still mad. you need to calm down before you drive the car
5. Cheer up - Become happier
  • she cheered up when she heard the good news.
6.  End up - Eventually reach/do/decide
  • we ended up renting a movie instead of going to the theater
7. Grow up - Become an adult
  • when Jack grows up he wants to be a fireman
8. Run away - Leave unexpectedly, escape
  • The child ran away from home and has been missing for three days
9. Wear off - Fade away 
  • Most of my make-up wore off before i got to the party.

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