Friday 3 August 2012

2nd Reflection
Today is second day of classes. the student in a classes are so many student cause uncomfortable to study so miss decided to separated we into two class Group A is 9.00am-11.00am and Group B is 11.00am-1.00pm. I'm in Group A which is 9.00am until 11.00am. Last week miss ask we all to research an explorer thing in local, when miss ask a student come in front of her talk about the explorer thing but the student didn't say anything it mean that she haven't prepare. Not just she, i think all the student in class including me also haven't prepare too. them miss start teach us about grammar lessons which are structure ans Past Perfect. After that, miss let us to watch the video Of Lost World which is Machu Picchu and Chichzen Itza. she told us to write an essay with 250 words about the similarities or differences between those two places.

Machu Picchu and Lost Temple are including of seven new wonders of the worlds announced by the new 7 wonders of the words. But there are many differences of these new wonders. Lost temple is known as Chichen Itza. Chichen Itza is a virtual civilization site in Mexico in 800 centuries. Kukulkan pyramid complexes of this historic site are believed to be political and economic centre of civilization located in the virtual Yucatan Peninsula, now in the territory of Mexico.  Generally, Machu Picchu was built on the mountain, while Chichen Itza built on large tracts of kind with lush green environment. Machu Picchu living condition in more modern method of water distribution more systemically with the existence of water channel built in facilities local people doing the daily life. Chichen Itza and the resident had to take the water from a large lake neat the city. From the belief in racial Mach Picchu, the legend who puts his forehead on the stone Intihuana will be opened their eyes to the spiritual nature or soul. People who believed that the destruction of the Inca Intihuana will cause the death of the patron deity of the local deity, in contrast to those at Chichen Itza black cat accessories often appear in relation to world even mistiest. Between the word that lost, Machu Picchu town, especially the location. Here the municipal system is quite good, compared Chichen Itza City is quite systematic as water distribution and farming terraces made around the City.

ASSIGNMENT 2_ Vocabulary Entry

1. Take a breath of fresh air
Breath in clean air
2. Set his heart on
To want to do something very much
3. Just in time
With enough time to be able to do something
4. Was at death’s door
Be near death
5.  Saved the day
Produced excellent result when things are going badly
6. Could not believed their eyes
To be very surprised at something you see
7. Feel like a million dollars
Be very healthy and happy
8.   Were dumb founded
Be unable to speak because of shock or surprise
9. Turned the tables
Changed a situation completely so the unexpected happened
10.  Feel head over heels
Fell deeply in love

simile is when compare two nouns (person, places or things) that are unlike, with "like" or "as".
1. to drink like a fish - to drink a lot
2. to fight like cats and dogs - to fight fiercely
3. to sleep like a dog - to sleep well and soundly
4. as blind as bat - completely blind
5. as cold as ice - very cold
6. as light as feather - very light
7. as white as snow - pure white
8. like a rose - beautiful
9. like a animal - inhuman
10. like a dream - wonderful, incredible

phrasal verb are usually two-word phrases consisting of verb + adverb or verb + preposition

1. ask around - ask many people the same question

  • i asked around but nobody has seen my wallet
2. break down - get upset
  • the women broke down when the police told her that her son had died
3. break out - Escape
  • the prisoners broke out of jail when the guards weren't looking
4. Calm dawn - Relax after being angry
  • you are still mad. you need to calm down before you drive the car
5. Cheer up - Become happier
  • she cheered up when she heard the good news.
6.  End up - Eventually reach/do/decide
  • we ended up renting a movie instead of going to the theater
7. Grow up - Become an adult
  • when Jack grows up he wants to be a fireman
8. Run away - Leave unexpectedly, escape
  • The child ran away from home and has been missing for three days
9. Wear off - Fade away 
  • Most of my make-up wore off before i got to the party.



1st Reflection...
today is 1st day class, but i didn't go because i get some trouble that causes i'm not attend the classes,sorry miss...but my friend noticed me that has a work to be done about "Love & Relationship".

love is a word that is difficult to describe and to be distinguished particularly in relation to human feelings. Loving someone is not necessarily reach the level of love for love are broader in scope than love. You may love your boyfriend/girlfriend friends, your family, your teachers or anyone else.

Thursday 10 May 2012

Task7: The Narrative Paragraph

Topic : exercise to keep fit
Topic sentences: physical exercise make us health
Supporting detail:  -aerobic
                                -Weight bearing
Conclusion: we must do physical activity to maintain our body fit
Linker/sequence connectors:such as, next, furthermore, besides, and

                Physical exercise are important to keep fit the body to maintain for body fit. There are many type of exercise we can do such as aerobic, swimming, jogging, weight bearing, set up and many more. Aerobic, is the one of the physical exercise make our body maintain fit. These physical exercise taht make people do with using the music. Besides, these activity always do after jogging as of stretching and suitable for all people. It make our body become strong. Next, weignt bearing also the one of physical training are uses the mental object to kept fit. For example, weight training. Weight bearing always do in gym. This activity make in part of body such as muscle, it will develop and harden. This activity almost man to do. The lastly is jogging. Jogging is run slowly. It make body slim and avoid to get fat. This activity suitable do in early morning and evening. Furthermore it will expel the sweat also will help to release the fever. In conclusion, we must do exercise to kept our body fit.

Topic: food that I like
Topic sentences: the food that I like is wastern food
Supporting detail:   not contain many fat
                                Taste_satiated and satisfy when it
                                Easy to prepare& bring everywhere
Conclusion: wastern food is tasty
Linkers/ sequences connected used:next, besides, further, such as, and

The food that I like is wastern food such as burger, sandwich, and pizza. This food is not contain many fat. Why I sad so, because the using during cook are many using the ingridient from green vegatable. Next, there are tasty and satiated when eat. For example, burger. I will replete when finished to eat burger and not felling angry anymore. Further, it also easy to prepare and too easy to bring everywhere. Burger or sandwich only may take a few minutes to prepare. Besides, there are capable to bring when going to picknic for become as lunch. Well, that is why I like the wastern food.

Sunday 29 April 2012

task9:Folklore Story_WULAN

Once upon a time, there is a legend said a princess will come down from the sky at the middle of the night to playing and singing at the field. Her name is Wulan, a beautiful woman with a kind heart. One night, she comes as usual to playing and singing at the field at the middle of night to avoid from being seeing by human. Unfortunately, while she is singing, a married couple, Mak Puteh and Pak Tam heard her hand remember about the legend that been told to them by their ancestor, quickly Pak Tam took the shawl that enables her to fly. Dawn is coming near, she cant go home and shes upset. Mak  Puteh taht know everything took Wulan back their house and introduced Wulan to Jamal, Mak  Puteh and Pak Tom son. While staying there, Wulan told Mak Puteh, Pak Tam and Jamal, if she cooks the rice, don’t open the cover of pot. Jamal, Pak Tam and Mak Puteh just nooding without as her further.  A few weeks later on, raise a bad news about Wulan and Jamal. At the same time, Pak Tam is go to planting the paddy but unfortunately, Pak Tam was bites of snakes cause him death and her last wish is Jamal and Wulan married to avoid from being defarmation. Seveal weeks later on, Jamal and Wulan is married. A year later on, they got twins, Melati and Cempaka. They lived happily there. One day, when Wulan and her daughters clean the house, Cempaka found a beautiful shawl and Melati want it. Wulan saw the shawl and wondering why her shawl is there but she just ignore it because she in loved with her family. As time goes by, Jamal become more curious about what Wulan said before, he entered the kitchen and opens the cover of pot. He taken aback what he saw, Wulan only cook one part of the pack of rice and turn it to the whole pack of rice. Wulan saw her husband have done, she disappointed. She grabs the shawl and goes back to her house at the sky, leaving family.

Task 6: Mechanic/Grammar

~learning in English are so difficult for me. I always do some mistake when writing and speaking.

Ø  I’m always doing the mistake when I’m writing. The mistake I do is such as Grammar, Spelling and more
Ø  Writing in English is so difficult than in malay there are many problem. First is, not understand the subject, don’t know the meaning, hard to arrange the sentences, and the lastly are don’t know how and what to supposed to begin to writing.
Ø  Using vocabulary are important to improve the language and using sources for example internet, learn more from highest educated people, watching movie English, listening in English song, reading more English book and the last try to speaking everyday. 

Task5: Writing a Paragraph

_water pollution-

Topic: water pollution
Topic sentences: water pollution is dangerous for human life and aquatics
Supporting detail: -kill life that inhabit water base ecosystem
                           -people can diseases
                           -No sources of clean water
Conclusion: everyone must work together to maintain the cleanliness of water to prevent or protect from contamination.
Linker/sequence connection used: so that, when, firstly, in a conclusion, such as..


                Water is most important for human being, but there are some people that have not responsibility to protect the water, so that it will become water pollution. This occur causes from human being. Water pollution is so dangerous for human life and also aquatics. There are many effects for human and aquatics from this pollution. Firstly are people will get dieses?  For example, when people eating such as fish, oyster, prawn, and octopus from the pollution they will get diseases there already contain the chemical. Then from the water pollution, they will kill life that is habit water based ecosystem. Water pollution also occurs from factory. So that the aquatic will kill because water from factory also contain the chemical. The lastly are, there is no clean water sources. If all water will become polluted, then the human hard to get the clean water. In conclusion, everyone must work together to maintain the cleanliness of water to prevent or protect from contamination.