Sunday 29 April 2012

task9:Folklore Story_WULAN

Once upon a time, there is a legend said a princess will come down from the sky at the middle of the night to playing and singing at the field. Her name is Wulan, a beautiful woman with a kind heart. One night, she comes as usual to playing and singing at the field at the middle of night to avoid from being seeing by human. Unfortunately, while she is singing, a married couple, Mak Puteh and Pak Tam heard her hand remember about the legend that been told to them by their ancestor, quickly Pak Tam took the shawl that enables her to fly. Dawn is coming near, she cant go home and shes upset. Mak  Puteh taht know everything took Wulan back their house and introduced Wulan to Jamal, Mak  Puteh and Pak Tom son. While staying there, Wulan told Mak Puteh, Pak Tam and Jamal, if she cooks the rice, don’t open the cover of pot. Jamal, Pak Tam and Mak Puteh just nooding without as her further.  A few weeks later on, raise a bad news about Wulan and Jamal. At the same time, Pak Tam is go to planting the paddy but unfortunately, Pak Tam was bites of snakes cause him death and her last wish is Jamal and Wulan married to avoid from being defarmation. Seveal weeks later on, Jamal and Wulan is married. A year later on, they got twins, Melati and Cempaka. They lived happily there. One day, when Wulan and her daughters clean the house, Cempaka found a beautiful shawl and Melati want it. Wulan saw the shawl and wondering why her shawl is there but she just ignore it because she in loved with her family. As time goes by, Jamal become more curious about what Wulan said before, he entered the kitchen and opens the cover of pot. He taken aback what he saw, Wulan only cook one part of the pack of rice and turn it to the whole pack of rice. Wulan saw her husband have done, she disappointed. She grabs the shawl and goes back to her house at the sky, leaving family.

Task 6: Mechanic/Grammar

~learning in English are so difficult for me. I always do some mistake when writing and speaking.

Ø  I’m always doing the mistake when I’m writing. The mistake I do is such as Grammar, Spelling and more
Ø  Writing in English is so difficult than in malay there are many problem. First is, not understand the subject, don’t know the meaning, hard to arrange the sentences, and the lastly are don’t know how and what to supposed to begin to writing.
Ø  Using vocabulary are important to improve the language and using sources for example internet, learn more from highest educated people, watching movie English, listening in English song, reading more English book and the last try to speaking everyday. 

Task5: Writing a Paragraph

_water pollution-

Topic: water pollution
Topic sentences: water pollution is dangerous for human life and aquatics
Supporting detail: -kill life that inhabit water base ecosystem
                           -people can diseases
                           -No sources of clean water
Conclusion: everyone must work together to maintain the cleanliness of water to prevent or protect from contamination.
Linker/sequence connection used: so that, when, firstly, in a conclusion, such as..


                Water is most important for human being, but there are some people that have not responsibility to protect the water, so that it will become water pollution. This occur causes from human being. Water pollution is so dangerous for human life and also aquatics. There are many effects for human and aquatics from this pollution. Firstly are people will get dieses?  For example, when people eating such as fish, oyster, prawn, and octopus from the pollution they will get diseases there already contain the chemical. Then from the water pollution, they will kill life that is habit water based ecosystem. Water pollution also occurs from factory. So that the aquatic will kill because water from factory also contain the chemical. The lastly are, there is no clean water sources. If all water will become polluted, then the human hard to get the clean water. In conclusion, everyone must work together to maintain the cleanliness of water to prevent or protect from contamination. 

Task 4: Introduction of Paragraph

-This course is providing the essential guidance in acquiring the reading and writing skill by incorporating the sequential steps such as pre-writing, drafting, revising and proofed reading.

To show addition: again, and, also, besides, equally important, first (second.etc), further, furthermore, in addition, in the first place, moreover, next, too
To give example: for example, for instance, in fact, specifically, that is, to illustrate
To compare: also, in the same manner, likewise, similarly
To contrast: although, and yet, at the same time, but, despite, even though, however, in contrast, in spite of, nevertheless, on the contrary, on the other hand, still, through, yet
To summarize or conclude: all in all, in conclusion, in other words, in short, in summary, on the whole, that is, therefore, to sum up
To show time: after, afterward, as, as long as, as soon as, at last, before, during, earlier, finally, until, when, while, meanwhile, next, since, shortly, immediately.
To show place or direction: above, below, beyond, close, elsewhere, farther on, here, nearby, opposite
To indicate logical relationship: accordingly, as a result, because, consequently, for this reason, hence, if, otherwise, since, so, then, therefore, thus

A paragraph includes:
Topic sentence:
Supporting detail (three ‘showing example’):
Linker/sequence connectors used:

For example:
Topic: Food that I like
Topic sentences: my favourite food is western food such as bugger, sandwich and pizza
Supporting detail: -easy to bring
                            -easy to prepare
Conclusion: western food is simple and easy to prepare
Linker/sequence connectors used: (etc; furthermore, besides, although, because,when..)

Monday 16 April 2012

Task 3: Process Writing

The most important part of writing process is pre-writing. Pre writing strategic eliminate confusion and minimize writer’s block while actually writing.
§  The first stages of writing are pre writing. Pre writing is simplest way to get words and will warming up the brain. This process also writing without regard to spelling, grammar or topic. The most important is, don’t stop to correct mistake just continue writing of any idea
§  The benefits of  pre-writing is:
ü  Remove the mental barriers,
ü  Improve about writing,
ü  Give writing energy,
ü  Bring to powerful thinking and writing

Task 2: Sentences Structure

There are 4 type of sentences structure;
       i.          Simple sentences
v  Include one subject & one predicate and compound subject & compound predicate.
v  Example of one subject and one predicate
Ø  Mala like cooking
Ø  Fuad plays badminton
Ø  Siti going to shopping every week
v  Example of compound subject and compound predicate
Ø  Maya and Mira going to shopping and picnic together
Ø  Lan and Boy plays football and bicycle
Ø  Din and Dan are always busy and tired to manage their businesses

      ii.          Compound sentences
v  Include coordinating conjunction, conjunctive adverb and semicolon
§  Coordinating conjunction: For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So (FANBOYS)
§  Conjunctive adverb: moreover, however, otherwise, therefore
§  Semicolon: if the relation between the ideas expressed in the main clauses is very close    and obvious without a conjunction, you can put separate the clauses with a semicolon
v  Example compound sentences for coordinating conjunction
Ø  Bell singer, and Ben actors
Ø  Bell rich, but Ben poor
v  Example compound sentences for conjunctive adverb
Ø  Mira is beautiful woman, moreover she is a kind person
Ø  Lena is popular, however she arrogant
v  Example compound sentences of  semicolon
Ø  Yus has a talent in dance; he is become a dancer for artists popular
Ø  Mira like to reading any type of book; she are knowledgeable person

     iii.          Complex sentences
v  Include subordinating conjunction; after, although, as before, if, once, where, weather, while, how, than, that, because.
v  Example :
Ø  Dell going to abroad because he wants to continue her study.
Ø  My mum always take a breakfast before going to start a work

     iv.          Compound-complex sentences
v  Example :
Ø  Dell going to abroad because he wants to continue the study but he unhappy to leaving her family
Ø  Learning the foreign language are difficult because it hard to pronounce the word but it easy if we hard work to study.